Alan ‘Red’ Murphy

Alan ‘Red’ Murphy


Essential Information

Vital Statistics
Position: Full Forward
Length of time in Cardiff & reason: 7 years, college, work & family
Played for St.Colmcilles since: 2006
Home Club: Ballymore Eustace
Honours: 3 X Gloustershire county championship,
1 X Gloustershire league,
1 X all british championship,
1 X universities county b championship, 2 X SFL Div 2 Kildare,
1 X Leinster vocasional schools championship,
2 Leinster school championships,
3 wicklow schools championships and Kildare u16 and minor

Vital Statistics

Age: 29
Height: 5ft 11 inch
Weight: 14 1/2 stone
Occupation: Site Manager
From: Ballymore Eustace
WAG: Jodie

Comments: Time in Cardiff: Been great, met some nice people and love when the 6 nations are on.

Favourite quote: Im not fat, Ive just got big bones (Carmen South Park)
Im fiance of Jodie and father of Chloe. I work usually in Bristol but live in Caerphilly. Hope to go back home for good in the next 3 to 4 years and settle down there. Want to be a lotto millionaire winner by the time Im 40.